One day Shop curated by Not Sew New

Step into a world of artistic expression and individuality at this one time only event, where a hand-picked selection of local designers converge to showcase their most innovative and thought provoking creations. With a focus on queerness, open-mindedness, and experimentation, this event promises to captivate the senses and challenge traditional notions of style and beauty.

This is more than just a fashion event - it's a celebration of inclusivity and self-expression, an opportunity to revel in the beauty of individuality and embrace the limitless possibilities of creativity. Come, and be part of something truly extraordinary.

Artist line up

Garnish Ore, Pheromone Studios, Morph Studio, Itadaki, Permanently Sexy, Not Sew New & Spiraro

Space adorned by

Ange Sexton, Izabella Marks Cribb & Annika Ledet